Bad Ideology Gumbo
From CNN's Political Ticker Blog:
"I support intelligent design," Bachmann told reporters in New Orleans following her speech to the Republican Leadership Conference. "What I support is putting all science on the table and then letting students decide. I don't think it's a good idea for government to come down on one side of scientific issue or another, when there is reasonable doubt on both sides."This is a fine strategy for eliminating any chance of the United States being competitive with other nations in science and technology, and therefore in the economy of tomorrow. There is nothing to intelligent design, no one in the scientific main stream thinks so. By handicapping tomorrows potential scientific minds with the garbage of mythological "what if"s we retard the chances of our nation developing as a technology superpower. Our next generation of highly pious wrong-thinkers can possibly get work driving trucks and cleaning floors for foreign tech firms who will literally be creating the future.
So we should put all the science on the table and let high school students decide? So astrology, phrenology, dowsing, psychic surgery, crystal healing . . . we put all of this in front of the 9th graders and let them decide? Do you think they will choose the ones that have a real basis in the scientific method, or the ones with the fewest crunchy bits to memorize so they can rely on nice easy mid-terms?
Young minds need to be protected from garbage thinking. There is a reason why we regulate education, why its arguably the most important job of government. Young people have no real basis to decide what is good science or bad science. That's why they go to school, to learn how to think critically. Garbage in, garbage out. Eventually that generation of poorly educated dupes will be the ones in the emergency room, the research laboratories, and The White House. We have the power to think them to think, or teach them the substitutions for thinking.
The political right wing of our country has become a bad ideological gumbo of anarchists, entrenched racists, greed-fueled robber barons, theocrats, false historians who want the world to go back to a fictional Leave It To Beaver paradise, culture warriors, and just good normal folk. The good normal folk deserve better representation and much better bedfellows. We all do.
The real problem is that America truly needs a good, intellectual, ideologically sound right wing. Someone should work towards limiting government spending, to keep our government to a manageable size, to keep business regulations reasonable. And, as of this writing, we do not have that right wing.
Currently Digging
I am going to do a spot in my blog where I can list things that I am, indeed, currently digging. Truth in advertising!
Currently digging:: Madeline, Trader Joe's, Not The Nine O'Clock News, my super cute wife's new haircut.
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