Thanks for stopping in once again.
Song for America
"Listening to Grant-Lee Phillips' "Mockingbirds", watching my daughter play, & feeling like America is over" - Tweet from Patton Oswalt
I know, right? The debt ceiling vote of 2011 couldn't be much more depressing to me.
In hindsight, how could things work out any other way? The Bush Tax cuts cut taxes on the rich. So they get richer. Now, they don't create any jobs - I mean, why would you do that when you can outsource to India so friggin cheaply? - but instead, they use there new surplus of money to buy more political influence. And with all of that influence do you think they are going to decide to raise their own taxes? No sir, I do not believe they will. Nope, they will buy more influence, which makes them richer, so they can buy more influence . . . I'm sure you are getting the picture. And its one of those cycles that will not stop itself without crashing.
So . . .is M. Oswalt right? Is America over?
No it is not. Let me restate: frack no, it is not.
Guess who is considering shooting a superior asshole?
But we do have to open our eyes to the reality of the situation.
Here is what I believe about our current conflict in America.
There is no left wing versus right wing. That's what they keep telling us but its a great fat lie to keep us fighting amongst ourselves, which of course we do because we are idiots.
If its not left wing versus right wing then what's the issue? Rich versus poor.
The rich want more, they have the means to get more, and if it keeps the poor poor then fine - that's that many more parking spaces at Martha's Vinyard or whatever the frack rich bastards congregate where they can not be offended by us sorry commoners.
"Squatting just two blocks from the gallery! Have you ever seen such bad taste?"
So what's next? Tons of hard work.
We have to stop the cycle. We the people - you remember we the people, you read about us in civics class once - have to raise so much hell that we can not be ignored. We have to vote out everyone who is wholly owned by America Inc., tax the people who need to get taxed (or - and I like this even better - force them to create the jobs that Fox News pretends they create - and set the whole country back on the path of progress, liberty, justice, and equality. The hardest bit - we have to truly educate the masses, teach them to think for themselves so they can look at what they are being fed by the Media and pick it apart until the underlying truths shine out like diamonds.
Simple, ain't it? Now go and get started. More on how to do so later.
Just a quick one today. Hope all are well, thanks for tuning in. Last one out from under oppression hit the lights.
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